Thank you for nothing!

THE Mental Load Award

The organisation Frauen* beraten Frauen* [Women* advise women*] creates awareness about mental load in 2022. CIN CIN, the creative consultancy, advised the team around Barbara Schrammel.

Together we developed a comprehensive awareness campaign, funded by the Federal Chancellery in Austria. We were able to gather testimonials from Katharina Mader, Minusgold, Marlene Streeruwitz, Gertraud Klemm and Yasmo.

Photos: Martina Lajczak, Illustrations: Ari Ban

Mental load is all about “managing” your household and your family at the same time: thinking, planning, organizing—and then implementing. 

Why nobody wants to win this award

We created the Mental Load Award as the central element of the campaign. It can be awarded symbolically, as a sign of appreciation, to women who suffer from mental load. At the same time, the award is also a call to action to share the mental load equally. A prize that should become obsolete in the near future—thanks for nothing!

What is Emotional Labor?

As a platform for education and event announcements, we designed and launched the account @mental.load.award on Instagram, which provides comprehensive information with a straightforward tone and contemporary design. In addition, we produced a short explainer video, which can both be shared online or used as a brief introduction to the topic at lectures and workshops.


We implemented individual campaign elements in collaboration with three artists from our creative network: Carl Auböck produced the physical award based on our design. We developed the visual language with photographer Martina Lajczak and organized photo shoots at the Volkstheater in Vienna. Together with Ari Ban, we found prototypical scenes, which he then illustrated.


AuftraggeberFrauen* beraten Frauen* [Women* advise women*], Barbara Schrammel (Project Manager)
ServicesCreative Consultancy, Art Direction & Design
ProgramCampaign Development, Explainer Video, Instagram-Account, Merchandise
TestimonialsKatharina Mader, Jaqueline Scheiber (Minusgold), Marlene Streeruwitz, Gertraud Klemm and Yasmo
TeamStephan Göschl, Gerhard Jordan, Tobias Raschbacher, Jasmin Roth
CollaborationsMartina Lajczak (Photos), Carl Auböck (Award Production), Ari Ban (Illustrations), Anne Hofmann (Narrator)

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